Jhai PC in Navajo Nation

The Jhai Foundation have their ruggedized, low-power PC with net access up and running on the Navajo reservation in the rural village of Sawmill, Arizona. They don't have the press release up on their website so here it is:

For Immediate Release:

Jesse Thorn, splangy@splangy.com, 1 415 344 0360
Earl Mardle, earl@techempower.net


Dear friends,

I hope this finds you well. We together can help remote villagers worldwide double their income on their own terms. *(please see note at end.)

I'm happy and I have a request. Please help disseminate this information below on the net, through the media and to your friends:

  1. The Jhai PC and communication system http://www.jhai.org/jhai_remoteIT.htm is up and running on the Navajo reservation in the rural village of Sawmill as a field test after running eight straight months in the lab. Media calls are welcomed through me, Lee Thorn, 1 415 344 0360 or 1 415 420 2870, to the Navajo end-users. Pictures can be supplied to media upon request. Trips to the site must be arranged through me. Respect for the privacy of the families in Sawmill is requested and expected by the Tribal Council of the Navajo Nation and the Chapter House in Sawmill. Eventually these families should be able to at least double their income from sale of traditional crafts and goods by dealing direct with end customers or distant retailers.
    a. We are remaining in the business of partnering with local ngo's and others to develop financially sustainable rural projects that are owned by local people and use Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
    b. we are partnering with friends in India for their development of a version 2.0. This new version will retain the key aspects of the Jhai PC1.6. It will be rugged, low-power, and LiNux (which can run MS programs as well as LiNux programs). We expect it, however, to run locally developed software, to run at 500 mhtz, to be built on one board, and to cost in the $200 range. This development will proceed quite quickly.
    c. We expect to be up soon in India with our partners, the Datamation Foundation Trust http://www.datamationfoundation.org/ and the MS Swaminathan Foundation (in process) www.mssrf.org .

  2. As we announced earlier, ALL our source code and ALL of our draft hardware documents for Jhai PC v1.6 and the Jhai leaf server have been released for FREE on an Open Source, Open Design basis for your use and improvement. These can be found at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jhaipc/ Please know that it is very rare to release hardware docs, especially after spending two years and nearly $200,000 in their development. We release these because we believe very strongly in our charitable purposes and in the notion of local ownership of solutions, especially for poorer rural communities in developing nations.

  3. Lee Gomes, a columnist with the Wall St. Journal wrote very kindly about Jhai Foundation and the Jhai PC this morning. The text is below or can be found at http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/pp/05213/547152.stm

We are very grateful for your support and for your help in getting this good news out. We will help you in any way we can. US tax-deductible donations for our work, which we sorely need, can be sent via http://www.jhai.org/donations.htm or to the address below. We have raised $3620 of the $30,000 which we need to raise this month. Every little bit helps. $40 will buy 100 stamps. $100 will pay our phone bill. $750 will pay the expenses for a trip to Sawmill. $3650 will pay my salary for a month.

Thanks for your time and your help over the years. I hope you are happy with us as our partners continue their success.

Yours, in Peace,

Lee Thorn
Chair, Jhai Foundation
350 Townsend St., Ste. 309
San Francisco, CA 94112